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Conran Store Spring 2017 – Michelin House London

I love popping into The Conran shop when I’m in London, there is always so much inspiration to be found.

This spring they have turned their windows into rooms by adding in a sub shopfront as you walk through the doors, it also acts as a backdrop to the windows.conran-brompton-road-londonimg_1390

I have noticed a trend building over the last year for using Critall style metal window frames in many stores. But conran have also added simple blocks of colour to some of theirs, i saw  lots of stores using colour blocking whilst looking around London.


Conran have continued the colour blocking theme inside their store, using it to great effect on walls, architectural features and fixtures.



They are using it for way finding as well, helping to lead customers on their journey through the store.



I love this trend/style wall they have created in their furniture area, it really stands out and offers customers great simple information.



Love the clash of bright ribbons against this royal blue wall.


Where they do not have a surface to paint they have been inventive and used plants to add the colour.



The Conran Shop –

Critall Windows  –

Hands and Heads

Nice use of articulated hands in a boutique in Heathrow’s T5, notice how they have decorated one of the hands with the flower design from the front handbag.






Ted Baker window Heathrow T5 –

Ted baker has always had a quirky way of communication with its customers, a little bit english eccentric and always with a touch of humour.

This summer scheme i saw at Heathrow’s Terminal 5 store is no exception, to me it looks like its a modern spin on the traditional British seaside summer holiday postcards of the 1950s & 60s , but no bawdy seaside humour just Tedisums.




Anthropologie USA – Earth Day Windows 2016

We’re pretty big fans of this here planet we call home. That’s why, this Earth Day, our window displays are bringing attention to an important source of renewable energy: wind, a pollution-free power source that stores up electricity and saves on water. Our display director, Erika, transformed the sensory delight of a soft breeze into abstract compositions created from fabric, paper and window screening. “I love the femininity of these displays,” she said. “There are soft and subdued blues, beautiful pleats and undulating shapes. It’s the kind of delicate breeze that causes leaves to flutter, flowers to cling to their petals and water to dance along surfaces.”


Words and photos by Anthropologie

Highgrove Shop Tetbury – Spring set up by International Visual

After our successful Christmas store set up for the Highgrove estate store, we were asked back to give the store a layout and merchandising refresh for spring.


Here are a few other photos of the completed store.

We used lots of apple crates to give height on fixtures and for holding large amounts of products under fixtures. They are very versatile and can be used in many ways. If you would like to buy apple crates from us please contact

Highgrove Shop
Address: 10 Long St, Tetbury GL8 8AQ
Hours:  Open · 9:30am–5pm

Club Player Nice – Facade foliage

Im in Nice for a few days holiday, but am still always on the look out for inspiration and great things that catch my eye.

This fashion store caught my eye as they had covered the top part of the shopfront with plants, now i did think that it was a real living wall from afar, on closer inspection they had used artificial foliage, but it still looked good and it shows that if you dare to do something different you do attract people.

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Liberty – New fabric Windows 2016

Liberty have launched a new range of fabrics with inspiration coming from the historical world of miniature interiors, they have called it the Chesham Cabinet Collection.

They always have a challenge on their hands as their windows are very low height wise but they have managed to create some really interesting and inspirational schemes in them.

I especially love the cabinet they have used with room settings inside all the spaces.


Oasis Spring Windows London 2016

These days most high street brands are resorting to using just graphics in their windows, probably  to either save money or for easy instillation and most are bland and non descriptor, but this Oasis spring window scheme in London caught my eye as the photography is beautiful and striking and because rather than just putting the graphic on the back window they have also used the sides of the windows, which most retailers forget about, but most of us see when approaching the store from the street.


As i passed the store i then noticed that they had used the same graphics on a large scale in the entranceway, which is a nice way to take the scheme inside to attract people in, the fishing real tactic.


Zara Home windows – London Regent St

I really like the simplicity of the new Zara windows on Regent St, the blue and white wallpaper with its very intricate design really catches your eye, but initially over powers the product but does drawer you in to take a closer look, then you see the simplicity of the dressing.


I like the way the wallpaper has been brought down onto the floor it helps to add depth to the windows.


Their windows can be quite tricky as the building is on a slope so the windows get higher as you walk past them, but they have added in a mirror which many of us will have seen in shops used for security, but here it allows you to see the bed dressing. What a simple and great idea.



Anthropologie London – Spring windows and nifty interior ideas

Following on from last weeks post showing the USA spring windows, London has followed suit with their interpretation on the sun flowers theme. The Regent St store only has two windows so they have created two huge sunflowers using painted paper and card.


When you go inside the store they have followed the panting theme on using brushes dipped in paint at high level, painted canvases on the walls and have strategically placed painted furniture around the store.

And as usual they have been very creative when it comes to merchandising props, making necklace forms and show displays using wood and metal, showing you don’t have to spend much money to make things look great but you do need some ingenuity.